Saturday, November 1, 2008


Saturdays are usually the day that I play catch up around my house and run errands. So far I haven't gotten much accomplished today, since it is the day after Halloween and my girls are still a bit sugared out. But to make things easier on myself, I have dinner in the crockpot, country style ribs from our pig share! I just threw in the ribs frozen and added a can of cranberry sauce, a packet of onion soup mix, and some fresh garlic(I have to have fresh garlic, in everything!) A crockpot is a working moms key to having dinner on the table. It is easy, a time saver, and can be very cheap. I usually throw meat in frozen, so that saves time defrosting. You can also use any cut of meat, and it will cook it until it melts like butter.

Now I need to run to the store and get some juice, milk, and a few other staples. I am trying to decide if I should hit Wal Mart or Target. I've heard that Target is getting strict on coupons, but Wal Mart sometimes doesn't have a great selection or deals(at least the one near me). I also need to organize my coupons and get rid of the expired ones.

So a lot to do with limited time and m three chicks running around(DH is working!) Wish me luck:)

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